Industrial equipment
Electrical motor


To maximize your production!

Services Products

Since our inception in 1989, we have been committed to providing quality services to our clients, with the goal of supporting them in achieving their most ambitious goals. To continue to fulfill this commitment, we have decided to create a robotics division that aims to address more modern issues. A concrete example of these issues is the challenge of labor shortages, which is increasingly overwhelming for businesses in all sectors.


This section presents all the robotics services offered by EMS Group.


(1) Preliminary visit

We offer a basic assessment at no cost. During this assessment, one of our experts will visit the site to assess and discuss your robotics needs. At the end of this visit, you will get the following information:

  • List of your operations with potential for innovation in robotics

(2) Sustainability study

We also offer a comprehensive project assessment, with the aim of providing you with a clear picture regarding the viability of projects identified during the preliminary visit. As a result of this study, you will get the following information:

  • Identification of available funding
  • Results of a feasibility and profitability study
  • 3D simulation of the process or processes

Design and Integration

In addition to designing, we provide the integration of robotics projects. This service includes the installation and implementation of robotic systems.

Maintenance and Repair

We also offer maintenance and repair services for all the robotic systems we sell.

Training and Technical Support

Finally, we offer after-sales services to ensure the system works properly following the initial setup. In addition to technical support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we offer training so that you are able to quickly solve the most common problems internally.

Contact us today for a free preliminary visit!

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Product Categories

This section presents all robotic products available at EMS Group.

Find the perfect type of robot for your application!

Six-axis robotic arms

Changes orientation and moves objects within a three-dimensional space. Six-axis robotic arms are commonly used to perform handling and palletizing tasks. They can also be adapted to more specialized applications such as welding, painting, cutting and others.

Collaborative robots

Collaborative robots have the same ability to move and perform much the same tasks as six-axis robotic arms. In addition, it is safe to use them in an environment where they will work closely with human workers.


SCARA robots can move objects within a three-dimensional space. They also allow objects to rotate along the vertical axis. This type of robot is usually used for relatively light object handling applications.


Delta-type robots can move objects within a three-dimensional space. It should be noted that vertical translations are limited to short distances. This type of robot is usually used for high-speed handling applications.

Give your robot eyes!

We also offer image recognition solutions that can work independently or in conjunction with robotic systems. More information will be available soon.

Contact us to learn more about our products and services!

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